
01 Your Details

Is this person responsible for checking and signing off the logo artwork?

( It not, please note who is responsible below)

02 Type of job required

Type of Job Required

Website Online Sites

Mobile Online sites


Social Media

My job deadline is

Please note: In order to meet your deadline, and prior to starting work, we will require this form to be completed in its entirety with all images, your logo and all relevant text that is required to be implemented in the job.

Also, during our Quote process our team will review the requirements of your completed form and assess whether we can meet your deadline and will advise you if we can manage it within your time frame.

03 Component Requirements


Please let us know what other components will be required to integrate with your website?

Module 01 Registration / Login Structure

Please advise if you require any logins for the website?

What does this section mean?

Module 02 User Profile / Client Area

When a user logs into the system, do you require them to have their own page to manage their account?

Do you require your clients to manage their account in your website?

What does this section mean?

04 Domain and Server

Module 03 Domain Name

Your website will be created on our server until its ready for release. Do you have a server for us to upload it once its completed? If not we can organise one for you

What does this section mean?

Module 04 Server

Your website will be created on our server until its ready for release. Do you have a server for us to upload it once its completed? If not we can organise one for you

What does this section mean?

05 Social Media and Accounting

Module 05 Social Media Platforms

Does you require any collaboration with social media platforms?

( If YES, please tick below)

What does this section mean?

Module 06 Accounting Integration

Do you require this website to collaborate with accounting website you are currently using or plan to purchase?

What does this section mean?

06 Additional Info and Documents

Module 07 Software Integration

Do you currently use software in your business and require your new site to engage with it?

What does this section mean?

Module 08 Document Handling

Do you require this website to be able to upload and store document either for internal use or from external source such as your clients?

FYI: you will be able to upload any document such as PDF, WORD, EXCEL, POWERPOINT ETC.

( If YES, please tick below)

What does this section mean?

07 User Profiles and Inventory

Module 09 Online Chat System

The Profiles Section will contains all the data from clients etc for easy retrieval. They will have a separate login to their profile to access information regarding their roster and other functionality pertaining to their employment.

Do you require an Online Chat System ?

What does this section mean?

Module 10 Inventory

Do you require inventory section to be added to the website?

( If YES, please tick below)

What does this section mean?

Module 11 Shipping Calculator

Do you require a shipping calculator for your site?

What does this section mean?

Module 12 Payment Gateway

Do you require a Payment Gateway for your site?

What does this section mean?

Module 13 Promotions / Discounts

Do you require promotions / Discounts on your site?

What does this section mean?

Module 14 Newsletters

Do you require a Newsletters for your site?

What does this section mean?

08 Target Market

What does your Company do?

Is your audience belong to a specific country or the whole world?

I want this site because:

What is your target audience?

Can you share the websites link you like?

Add another

Can you share the websites you dislike?

Add another

Do you have any colours you would like us to use on the website?

Do you have all the text content for this job?

special instructions

Is there anything else you need us to know about your logo?

Companies We've Helped